Through Her extraordinary acts of love and self-sacrifice, Mata Amritanandamayi, or Amma (Mother) as she is known, has endeared herself to millions of people around the world. Tenderly caressing everyone who comes to her, holding them close to her heart in a loving embrace, Amma shares her boundless love with all-regardless of their beliefs, who they are or why they have come to her.
In this simple yet powerful way, Amma is transforming the lives of countless people, helping their hearts to blossom, one embrace at a time. In the past 37 years, Amma has physically hugged more than 35 million people from all parts of the world. In India, Amma regularly gives darshan to 20,000 people in one sitting, going for 20 hours straight. Her tireless spirit of dedication to uplifting others has inspired a vast network of charitable activities through which people are discovering the beauty and sense of peace that come from selflessly serving others.
"Where there is love there is no effort. Other people's happiness is my rest." - AMMA
Global Initiatives
Mata Amritanandamayi Math, currently active in more than 40 countries around the world through many of its organizations, exists to help alleviate the burden of the world’s poor through helping to meet each of their five basic needs — food, shelter, education, healthcare and livelihood.
- Fighting Hunger
- Oppressed Children
- Helping the Homeless
- Disaster Relief
- Education
- Empowering Women
- Outreach Programs
- Green Initiatives
- Research
“Our duty towards God is the compassion and love towards the poor and the needy.”- Amma
Health & Wellbeing
- HIV / AIDS Care Centre
- Charitable Hospitals
- Hospice & Palliative Care
Fighting Hunger
- Asia Pacific
- Africa
- Europe & Americas
Oppressed Children
- Care Homes
- Special Schools
- Scholarship
Helping The Homeless
- Free Homes
- Slum Rehabilitation
- Feeding the Homeless
Disaster Relief
- Flood Relief
- Earthquake Relief
- Tsunami Reli
- Scholarships
- Free Schooling
- Free Vocational Training
Empowering Women
- Vocational Training
- Microcredit Loans
- Life & Accident Insurance
Outreach Programs
- Lifelong pensions
- Care Homes for Elderly
- Meals on Wheels
Green Initiatives
- 1 Million Trees Planted
- Awareness Campaigns
- Sustainable Communities
Health & Wellbeing
The Amrita Institute of Medical Science or AIMS, a 1600-bed super-specialty hospital in Cochin, Kerala. Born out of Amma’s desire to provide outstanding and affordable medical care to all regardless of one’s ability to pay, Amrita is one of Asia’s premier medical hospitals. Patients come to the hospital from all parts of the world.
- More than 7.6 Million patients treated - 4.1 Million patients treated for free
- Has provided more than USD85 Million in charitable healthcare since its inception in 1998.
Amritakripa Charitable Hospitals runs a Cancer hospice in Mumbai and an AIDS care home in Trivandrum. Teams of doctors regularly make trips to remote villages to conduct eye camps, health-awareness campaigns and checkups. The Charitable Hospitals cater to the healthcare needs of the poor villagers and all treatments are given completely free.
- Ambulances and medical teams travel to disaster areas.
- Free medical dispensaries for the in the surrounding areas including other patients.
- More than 100 free medical drives in remote, impoverished areas.
- HIV/AIDS care center, open daily, providing anti-retroviral drugs and care services
- Free cataract surgeries: 726 patients in 2010
- Pain and Palliative Home Care: 75,000 impoverished, terminally ill patients treated annually -- all free of charge
Mobile Telemedicine Unit, the size of a city bus, bringing sophisticated medical care to remote areas.
Furthermore, the Embracing the World provides traditional Indian healthcare via its Amrita School of
, Hospital & Research Center.
Fighting Hunger
- Feeding more than 10 Million people every year for the past 20 years.
- Provided more than 6 Million free meals to survivors of Indian Ocean Tsunami during the first 6 months after the disaster.
- Every Sunday we feed the homeless and needy in Australia through our global initiative, “Mother’s Kitchen”.
- Sue, a volunteer from Sydney reflected, "Actually, we're not just feeding them food, we're feeding them love and kindness, which is exactly what Amma does.“
- The Amrita Children’s Home in Nairobi, Kenya provides three nutritious meals a day for 78 needy children and every Sunday opens its doors to 230 kids from the neighboring villages for a healthy lunch.
- Our volunteers have been serving meals to the homeless in Nairobi once each month since 2003.
Americas & Europe
US & Canada
Mother’s Kitchen groups in 50 cities in North America prepare, cook and serve 150,000 meals for the homeless and hungry each year.
Provided more than 6 Million free meals to survivors of Indian Ocean Tsunami during the first 6 months after the disaster.
Costa Rica
Our volunteers have been feeding the homeless in Costa Rica since 2007. The volunteers head into the La Carpio slum armed with 200 plates of delicious vegetarian soup, bread, juice and a dessert.
Our volunteers in Cancun are feeding more than 200 homeless and needy since August 2013.
Every week since 2009 our volunteers from our Centre in Granoller’s, Spain pay house calls to more than 200 families in need, leaving a care package with each family.
Since 2010, our volunteers in France have been growing organic food and distributing it to area food banks that serve the hungry.
They produce close to a ton of organic produce each year.
Oppressed Children
- In order to encourage talented but financially poor students to take up higher studies, the Ashram has instituted the Amrita Scholarships.
- A number of graduating students from the orphanage have been able to find jobs in Amma’s institutions.
- Extra curricular activities now include classical dance music, panchavadyam, tabla lessons, and computers.
Running an orphanage for 500 children for the last 20 years, where the children consistently win awards in music, sports and dance. More than 1 in 3 go on to earn college degrees
In April 2011, during Amma’s visit to Nairobi, the Vice-President of the Republic of Kenya opened the Amrita Watoto Boma Care Home for Children, housing about 80 children.
Helping the Homeless
- Amma initiated a house-building project, with a goal of building 100,000 homes throughout India.
- To date, more than 45,000 homes have been built in over 75 locations.
- As part of our response to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, 6200 homes have also been constructed in Sri Lanka and Andaman Island.
To date, we have successfully relocated 1,600 families from abysmal slums into clean, new apartment blocks, so they could begin their life anew in sunny, hygienic spaces - 2,000 new homes for flood victims in Raichur.
- 1,200 new homes for victims of the Gujarat Earthquake in 2009.
Disaster Relief
Chennai Flood Relief Efforts, December 2015
We donated $749,000 USD)towards the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for relief and rehabilitation activities.
- Around 500 volunteers comprising of students & faculties have been involved in relief activities.
- A Telemedicine van, two fully equipped ambulances which includes a cardiac unit, an emergency unit, a testing unit to detect epidemic diseases were also deployed.
Nepal Earthquake Relief Efforts, April 2015
- We were engaged in providing basic provisions – Rice, Dal, Clothing, Blankets, etc.
We arranged for providing tin sheets for roofing – with an aim to serve as temporary shelter. - We also arranged for 1,00,000 Toxicoid Tetanus Vaccines and 1,00,000 ATT Vaccines to prevent and treat post-disaster infections.
Jammu & Kashmir Flood Relief Efforts, October 2014
- We sent volunteers to the affected area to provide essential aid.
- Amma pledged a $4 million USD relief package that included construction of houses for those displaced by the flood, as well as monetary aid for widows, medical care and essential supplies.
- Our tertiary care hospital in Kochi, Amrita Hospital, had sent two telemedicine units equipped with health and relief facilities to the disaster zone.
Typhoon Haiyan Relief Efforts in Philippines, Nov 2013
- Amma, pledged a million dollar USD relief and rehabilitation package for the people of Philippines.
- In collaboration with the Philippines Disaster Recovery Foundation (PDRF), we have made children’s welfare, safety, and education our top priorities.
- Several initiatives are underway including creating sustainable development programs, rebuilding schools, renovating destroyed classrooms etc.
Uttarkhand Flood Relief Efforts, June 2013
- We launched an $8 million dollar relief-and-rehabilitation program to help victims of the Kedarnath flash-flooding and landslides in June.
- We provided free medical consultations and medicine to approximately 8,000 people.
- Approximately 500 house were built, the sum total of all the homes destroyed by the flooding.
Japan Tsunami & Earthquake, 2011
- We donated $1 million to pay for the education of children orphaned by the disaster.
- Our volunteers were on the ground distributing food and water for the refugees.
- We focused on Rikuzentakata, a remote coastal town of 23,000 people where more than a third of the population had lost their lives.
Haiti Earthquake Relief, 2010
- We shipped 11 palettes of medical supplies to Haiti, where they were received by Partners In Health.
- Our volunteers distributed staple foods to refugees on the ground.
- We are providing scholarships for those 30 children, who had been orphaned by the disaster.
Indian Ocean Tsunami Relief, 2004
- We donated $46 Million relief aid and packages to the Indian Ocean Tsunami survivors.
- The relief work undertaken by us stands today as one of the most multi-faceted, comprehensive and sustained disaster-relief projects ever undertaken by an NGO.
- In the end, many survivors stated that in terms of their quality of life and economic independence, they were better off after the tragedy than they had been before.
- 100,000 scholarships for children from desperately impoverished agricultural communities and those affected by AIDS.
- Special schools for the hearing-impaired and mentally challenged
- Award winning literacy and vocational training for adults from India's poorest tribal communities, offering over 100 courses ranging from candle making to computer science
- Free vocational training for 500 teenagers in 11 trades with an 80% graduation rate
- A secondary school with 3,500 students, the largest school in the Indian State of Kerala
Empowering Women
Vocational training for 100,000 women.
More than 6,000 self groups for women across India and 1,000 groups in the nearby Andaman Islands have been established.
Microcredit loans get them started
We have helped 3,500 of these groups receive microcredit loans -- benefitting more than 60,000 families.
Life & Accident insurance to protect their family's future
As part of the agreement, the insurance company also provides scholarships to 15% of the policyholder's children. Each year, these scholarships will rotate, so every family can benefit.
Ammachi labs women empowerment program
The WE Project was funded jointly by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and Amrita University. During an 18-month period (2012-2014),the WE Project offered computerized Vocational Education and Training(cVET) and Life Enrichment Education (LEE), to women with low levels of literacy living in remote and impoverished communities, reached 3,136 women in the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu plus over 900 in other states totaling over 4000 women.
Outreach Programs
Monthly pensions for 50,000 widows, the disabled & victims of povertyAbout 100,000 men, women and children will receive monthly pensions for their life times.
Care homes for the elderly
They come for refuge or to spend their final years in a tranquil spiritual ambiance. There are four care homes which provide community functions & cultural programs.
Sponsored weddings for the poor
In India, marriage is essential for the stability of the entire family. For decades, Amma has sponsored weddings, providing all the items necessary for a traditional service.
Hospital visits and meals on wheels
Volunteers throughout the works visit hospitals, nursing homes and the elderly and in firm in their own homes.
Green Initiatives
An international service-oriented youth movement
- Since it's launch in 1985, youth projects have been initiated in India, Africa, Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan.
- 1,000,000 Trees Planted Worldwide
- Preserving Heritage Seeds and a Grassroots Approach to a Healthy Lifestyle.
- Promoting Reducing, Reusing and Recycling - A Zero Waste Approach from Top to Bottom
- Promoting Environmental and Awareness Campaigns around the globe.
- Encouragement to develop Sustainable Communities
- In Europe, Green friends is using organic cultivation methods and developing seed banks to preserve local, ancient and/or endangered seeds
- In the USA, Embracing the World has launched a tree sponsorship program with the goal of reforesting 80 acres of land with 40,000 pine trees
Embracing the World
"Where there is love there is no effort. Other people's happiness is my rest." - AMMA
Enjoy this new colour brochure publication, depicting the life and work of Amma - packed full with beautiful colour photos and information on all of Amma's Humanitarian Activities. Download the "Embracing the World" brochure (PDF)
Embracing the World is a global network of regional humanitarian organizations inspired by the India-based humanitarian initiatives of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math. Embracing the World exists to help alleviate the burden of the world’s poor through helping to meet each of their five basic needs — food, shelter, healthcare, education, and livelihood — wherever and whenever possible. We are especially focused on helping to meet these needs in the aftermath of major disasters.
Augmenting these efforts, we work in the fields of environmental conservation and sustainability to help protect the future of our fragile planet. And through Amrita University, our researchers are innovating new means of delivery of goods, knowledge, information, energy, and healthcare so that we can get help to those in need here and now, wherever they are.